Market Abuse Health Check

Are you confident in your firm's trade surveillance strategy to combat the threat of market abuse?

At eflow, we understand the critical importance of robust surveillance systems in maintaining market integrity and protecting your firm's reputation. That's why we're offering a complimentary, no-obligation 'Market Abuse Health Check' – a unique opportunity to have your trade surveillance strategy evaluated by an industry expert.

What our health check entails

As part of our health check, you'll receive a one-hour call with Jonathan Dixon, eflow's Head of Surveillance. Jonathan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in market abuse surveillance, ensuring you receive an impartial and expert assessment.

Jonathan will review the details you submit when booking and come prepared to deliver a clear, unbiased evaluation of your current trade surveillance strategy. Drawing on his extensive industry experience and subject matter expertise, Jonathan will provide expert insights and recommend actionable improvements to strengthen your firm's trade surveillance processes.


Meet Jonathan, our trade surveillance expert

Jonathan is the Head of Surveillance at eflow Global, having joined us in January 2024. He has more than 15 years of experience in senior regulatory roles at the likes of Eventus, Kraken, Accenture and Barclays.  

Much of Jonathan’s career has been dedicated to trade surveillance. Having worked at a range of institutions, including tier-one banks, consultancies, crypto exchanges and vendors, he offers a unique, multi-perspective view on how firms can combat market abuse. Throughout these years, he has spearheaded the implementation of trade surveillance systems, the development of comprehensive risk assessments, while also building and leading specialist teams.

At eflow, Jonathan helps to shape our product offering in addition to working with clients to offer his unique insights regarding regulatory policy, strategy and system configuration. He is regularly featured in the financial press for his expert commentary on market abuse related topics.

What our health check covers

  • Advice on the regulatory landscape and what other firms similar to yours are doing in relation to trade surveillance

  • A review of your current trade surveillance strategy and suggested areas of focus

  • Recommendations on action you should take to become ‘regulator ready’

  • The types of behaviours your firm needs to be aware of

  • An update on the regulatory trends that are likely to impact your firm

About eflow

eflow’s regulatory technology has been engineered with a clearly defined objective in mind; to support financial institutions operating under increasingly rigorous and complex compliance obligations.

  • Trusted by 120 firms globally
  • 20 years regulatory tech experience
  • Diverse client base: Banks, Asset Managers, Brokers, Hedge Funds, and more...
  • International offices - US, EU and APAC